Art Of The Day Sale
Enter Code AOTD60 for a 60% off coupon. Sale ends 7/31/24 at 10:30 A.M Eastern time zone.
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About Me
My name is Trisha Leggon. I'm a native of Harlem, New York but was adopted at twelve and raised in Georgia. In fact, the candle Carzell is named after my late adoptive father. I am a veteran wife and mother of five. After suffering from PTSD, anxiety, and depression, I made this hobby a permanent therapy solution. It has helped heal me in ways I never thought I would get to.
Everything you see is made by my hands, including the custom frames. Welcome to my store and thank you for supporting a small business like mine.
"When you take pride in craftsmanship, the quality of your work shows and sells itself!"
-Trisha Leggon
For commercial use purposes, contracts are written and agreed upon by both parties. There is either a flat rate fee, or a royalties fee that will apply. Email for inquires.